The period and sex education that you never got.

The Aluna Method - Period (Part 1)


Foundational preventive spiritual health. 

The period and sex education that you never got.




- Women who do not like their monthly cycles

- Women who have experienced painful periods or uterus disease

- Women who are looking into embracing their monthly cycles

- Women who want to learn more about the moon and its influence in their cycles

- Women who are looking to live and create new narratives regarding their feminine nature

- Women who want to tap into their creative nature/ utilise their creative energy with ease.

- Women who want to reconnect to their feminine energy in a healthy organic manner

- Women who want to better utilise their sexual energy

- Women who want to reconnect to their sexual energy



In this course you will:


  • Receive an overview of Solar vs Lunar energy and how we relate to those in today’s world.
  • Learn how to create and understand your own lunar chart and map your inner cycle with it.
  • Connect to your sexual energy.
  • Ignite your inner fire.
  • Learn about the lunar archetypes and a new way to see their influence and power in your life.
  • Get a sense of what feminine energy is and learn how to connect to it.
  • Connect to your ancestral cosmic vessel. Your body.
  • Remember your oneness with nature by tuning into your own cycles.
  • Learn about the lunar energies as a way to tap into your personal power.
  • Learn a complete system that you can do every month, to help you track your emotional responses and investigate deeper into your journey of self development.

- 4 weeks- throughout the course of 1 month, starting March 15th 

- 6 classes (recorded if you’re unable to attend live), 1h 15min Class 

- Discounted rates for 1:1 sessions

- A Curated playlist with the best Brazilian jams to inspire you during your journey

- A private community of fierce women that support one another

- A comprehensive digital guide/ workbook for your continued healing

Course curriculum

    1. All you need!


    1. Lunar + Solar Energy: What do they represent? How do they play out in our life?

    2. The Aluna Method Moon Periodt WorkBook - Week 1

    3. Resources

    4. Lunar + Solar energy Class 1 Video

    5. Lunar + Solar energy Class 1 Audio

    1. Lunar Oracle reading circle


    3. Resources

    4. Lunar Oracle session video

    1. The Moon and the body: Transgenerational trauma and healing through Oneness.

    2. The Aluna Method Moon Periodt WorkBook - Week 2

    3. The Moon and the Body Class 2 Video

    1. Symbology - the language of Oneness: Understanding Presence through nature’s symbolism

    2. Workbook Week 3 - Symbology The Language of Oneness

    3. Class 3 - Symbology: the language of Oneness

    1. GEST TEACHER CLASS - 03/31

    2. Emotional sovereignty with Meikel Reece

About this course

  • $80.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content


Juliana Luna

I come from a long lineage of Brazilian traditional healers. Rezadeiras. Lunar Ancestral technology and the wisdom my Ancestors conveyed to me shape the path I follow through my 10+ years self development and healing journey. This wisdom is liberation oriented. It is a powerful practice of remembering. It is also my daily practice in life and what from today, I share with you. The moment I committed to myself in love and deep compassion, allowing space to be made for my vast emotional landscape, cycle after cycle, my life began to flow. Effort became less. Aluna reminds us about our own time and space, our presence. A place we can always go back to. A home. Aluna also gently offers a perspective on how to honor our tides in ways that remind us of who we are, allowing our own expanded perspective to perceive and shape how we show up in the world. Wholeness as a way of being — is what you will get out of this practice. This is an invitation to join a community of people who are choosing their gifts everyday. We choose to show up as we are. To serve despite our fear. In Love. Unconditional Love.



by Jasmine P.

"This class had me simultaneously remember who I am and also realize who I have the potential to become. Through the prayers, lessons, and free-flowing conversation, they created a space of learning and of community that was energizing, grounding, and motivating! This workshop grounded me, and reminded me that I already have the tools that I need. I left knowing that I am enough just as I am. Thank you from my entire being!! I was seriously emotional when the three days were over, but also hopeful and grateful that the community will continue through the accountability groups. Love. Love. Love."

by Simone J.

"The first class was very potent for me – about making more space in my life and finding balance. I'm still digesting that first class! I am so grateful to come across your work and look forward to staying connected and joining another one of your offerings soon. For now, I'm going to re-watch the recordings and let everything sink in. "