Learn how to make your own Lunar Map.

A 4 week course with Juliana Luna


Your monthly Lunar cycle is a roadmap that provides rich and powerful insight into the health and nourishment of your physical and emotional body. Learning how to live in alignment with each phase of your lunar cycle is a necessity that is everyone’s birthright. Using this map helps you learn how to work in alignment with the ancestral wisdom of your body. This map empowers you to live in your purpose, which in turn nourishes you spiritually.


  • People who have a hard time subscribing to the Status quo.

  • People who want to experience Lunar living philosophy.

  • People who desire to live free of toxic patterns such as guilt, shame and self hate.

  • Creatives that want to express their gifts beyond burnout culture.

  • People who want to live more in sync with their true nature

  • People that want to learn about FLOW.

  • People who want to remember and connect to their purpose.

  • People who want to experience a powerful connection to their spiritual nature

  • People who want to tap into their spiritual gifts


The Aluna Method is a roadmap for Lunar living. It's a tool that helps us feel at ease with our own presence.

​ This LUNAR MAPPING TECHNOLOGY uses AfroBrazilian Mythology and Philosophy to provide a framework for self development. A new way of looking at the world, with our own timing as the center. ​ The map has guided humans for thousands of years to live in sync with what we call our “inner cycles'' our INNER TIDES. It offers an opportunity to gain awareness of our conditioned patterns and break them. Creating space for transformation and liberation daily.
Lunar Mapping with Moon phases and circles for intention setting

In this course you will:

  • Learn how to create and understand your own lunar chart, based on your emotional data.

  • Learn about the Moon’s wisdom through AfroBrazilian Yoruba Mythology

  • Connect to Feminine and Masculine Archetypes.

  • Learn how to map your inner cycles according to the Moon.

  • Align your weeks with your very unique creative energy flow.

  • Learn a complete system that you can do every month, to help you track your emotional/ sexual responses.

  • Investigate deeper into your journey of self knowledge and development.

  • Learn how to heal your ancestral lineage.

  • Connect deeper with your spiritual gifts

  • Feel assured and supported by your inner wisdom





    1. Symbology and Yoruba story of creation. The blueprint for integrating Light and Dark.

    2. VIDEO CLASS 1 : Creation Story

    3. Workbook Updated

    1. Archetypes of the Moon: New Moon - Nanã

    2. VIDEO CLASS 2 - Nanã The WISE GRANDMOTHER archetype

    3. MANTRA

    1. Archetypes of the Moon: Waning Crescent - Yewá

    2. CLASS 3 - Yewá The Young Visionary

    1. Archetypes of the Moon: Full Moon - Osun and Yemanjá

    2. VIDEO CLASS 4 - Osun / Yemanjá the nurturing mothers

    3. Class chat text

    1. Archetypes of the Moon: Waxing Moon - Oyá

    2. CLASS 5: Oyá the fierce sorceress

    3. Class chat

About this course

  • $222.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content


  • 1:1 deep dive

    Discounted rates for 1:1 sessions

  • Playlist

    A Curated playlist with the best Brazilian jams to inspire you during your journey

  • Community of Lunatics

    A private community of fierce individuals who support one another

  • Discounts to services

    Get amazing discounts in services offered by members of the community.

  • Digital Workbook

    A comprehensive digital guide/ workbook for your continued healing


Juliana Luna

I come from a long lineage of Brazilian traditional healers. Rezadeiras. Lunar Ancestral technology and the wisdom my Ancestors conveyed to me shape the path I follow through my 10+ years self development and healing journey. This wisdom is liberation oriented. It is a powerful practice of remembering. It is also my daily practice in life and what from today, I share with you. The moment I committed to myself in love and deep compassion, allowing space to be made for my vast emotional landscape, cycle after cycle, my life began to flow. Effort became less. Aluna reminds us about our own time and space, our presence. A place we can always go back to. A home. Aluna also gently offers a perspective on how to honor our tides in ways that remind us of who we are, allowing our own expanded perspective to perceive and shape how we show up in the world. Wholeness as a way of being — is what you will get out of this practice. This is an invitation to join a community of people who are choosing their gifts everyday. We choose to show up as we are. To serve despite our fear. In Love. Unconditional Love.